Fee Schedule

​​Fee Listing

Well Work FeesAmount
Well work fee for initial H6A horizontal well on a pad.$10,000
Expedited review fee for initial H6A horizontal well on a pad (additional fee)$20,000
Well work fee for additional H6A horizontal well(s) on a pad.$5,000
Expedited review fee for additional H6A horizontal well(s) on a pad (additional fee)$10,000
Modification request for H6A permit for horizontal well$2,500
Expedited review of modification request for H6A permit for horizontal well​ ​​(additional fee)$5,000
Well work fee for deep well work except plugging.$650
Well work fee for CBM well work except plugging.$650
Well work fee for shallow well work except plugging.$400
Fee for permit to dispose of well work fluids.$100
Fee for land application disposal of pit fluids$100
Well fee to go into the reclamation fund for each permit except pluggings.$150
Well work fee to convert an existing shallow well to an injection well without land application.
Well work fee to convert an existing deep well to an injection well without land application.$800


  • New drilling of an initial H6A horizontal well with expedited review requested: $10,000 + $20,000 + $150 = $30,150
  • New drilling of an additional H6A horizontal well with expedited review requested: $5,000 + $10,000 + $150 = $15,150
  • New drilling of an initial H6A horizontal well: $10,000 + $150 = $10,150
  • New drilling of an additional H6A horizontal well: $5,000 + $150 = $5,150
  • New drilling of a production well with land application: $100 + $400 + $150 = $650
  • New drilling of a deep well with land application: $100 + $650 + $150 = $900
  • Rework, Drill Deeper, etc permit with land application: $100 + $400 + $150 = $650
  • New drilling of a Coalbed Methane well with land application: $100 + $650 + $150 = $900
  • New drilling of a shallow injection well with land application: $100 + $400 + $150 = $650
  • New drilling of a deep injection well with land application: $100 + $650 + $150 = $900

Annual Fees

Fee TypeOil or Gas WellGas Storage WellBrine Disposal WellSecondary Recovery WellSolution Mining WellNPDES

Other Fees

Bond Transfer/Release Fee$50
UIC permit fee. New or renewal of a single well or area.$500